關於 AWS 證照考試
- 目標: 學習雲端技術的專業知識,培養能夠被業界認可的能力
- AWS 各個證照所涵蓋的相關雲端服務,能夠在 Prepare for Your AWS Certification Exam 中找到
- 每個 AWS 證照的有效期限為 3 年,因此每 3 年皆需要重新認證一次。可以到 AWS Certification Recertification 中找到
- (截至 2020/06 為止),這是 AWS Academy 所提供最新的 SAA 證照教材,但實際測驗的細節,皆會持續更新,因此可以到 AWS Certification 中找到最新的資訊
- AWS Certification exams
- Module 1 - Welcome to AWS Academy Cloud Architecting
- Section 1: Welcome to AWS Academy Cloud Architecting
- Section 2: Cafe Business Case Introduction
- Section 3: Roles in Cloud Computing
- Module 1 Wrap-up
- Module 2 - Introducing Cloud Architecting
- Section 1: Introducing Cloud Architecting
- Section 2: The AWS Well Architected Framework
- Section 3: Best Practices for Building Solutions on AWS
- Section 4: AWS Global Infrastructure
- Module 2 Wrap-up
- Module 3 - Adding a Storage Layer
- Section 1: Adding a Storage Layer
- Section 2: Using Amazon S3
- Section 3: Storing Data in Amazon S3
- Section 4: Moving Data to and from Amazon S3
- Section 5: Choosing Regions for your Architecture
- Module 3 Wrap-up
- Module 4 - Adding a Compute Layer
- Section 1: Adding a Compute Layer
- Section 2: Adding Compute with Amazon EC2
- Section 3: Choosing an AMI to Launch an EC2 Instance
- Section 4: Selecting an EC2 Instance Type
- Section 5: Using User Data to Configure an EC2 Instance
- Section 6: Adding Storage to an Amazon EC2 Instance
- Section 7: Amazon EC2 Pricing Options
- Section 8: Amazon EC2 Considerations
- Module 4 Wrap-up
- Module 5 - Adding a Database Layer
- Section 1: Adding a Database Layer
- Section 2: Database Layer Considerations
- Section 3: Amazon RDS
- Section 4: Amazon DynamoDB
- Section 5: Database Security Controls
- Section 6: Migrating Data into AWS Databases
- Module 5 Wrap-up
- Module 6 - Creating a Networking Environment
- Section 1: Creating a Networking Environment
- Section 2: Creating an AWS Networking Environment
- Section 3: Connecting your AWS Networking Environment to the Internet
- Section 4: Securing your AWS Networking Environment
- Module 6 Wrap-up
- Module 7 - Connecting Networks
- Section 1: Connecting Networks
- Section 2: Connecting to your Remote Network with AWS Site-to-Site VPN
- Section 3: Connecting to your Remote Network with AWS Direct Connect
- Section 4: Connecting VPCs in AWS with VPC Peering
- Section 5: Scaling your VPC Network with AWS Transit Gateway
- Section 6: Connecting your VPC to Supported AWS Services
- Module 7 Wrap-up
- Module 8 - Securing User and Application Access
- Section 1: Securing User and Application Access
- Section 2: Account Users and IAM
- Section 3: Organizing Users
- Section 4: Federating Users
- Section 5: Multiple Accounts
- Module 8 Wrap-up
- Module 9 - Implementing Elasticity, High Availability, and Monitoring
- Section 1: Implementing Elasticity, High Availability, and Monitoring
- Section 2: Scaling your Compute Resources
- Section 3: Scaling your Databases
- Section 4: Designing an Environment that's Highly Available
- Section 5: Monitoring
- Module 9 Wrap-up
- Module 10 - Automating Your Architecture
- Section 1: Automating Your Architecture
- Section 2: Reasons to Automate
- Section 3: Automating your Infrastructure
- Section 4: Automating Deployments
- Section 5: AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Module 10 Wrap-up
- Module 11 - Caching Content
- Section 1: Caching Content
- Section 2: Overview of Caching
- Section 3: Edge Caching
- Section 4: Caching Web Sessions
- Section 5: Caching Databases
- Module 11 Wrap-up
- Module 12 - Building Decoupled Architectures
- Section 1: Building Decoupled Architectures
- Section 2: Decoupling Your Architecture
- Section 3: Decoupling with Amazon SQS
- Section 4: Decoupling with Amazon SNS
- Section 5: Sending Messages Between Cloud Applications and On-Premises with Amazon MQ
- Module 12 Wrap-up
- Module 13 - Building Microservices and Serverless Architectures
- Section 1: Building Microservices and Serverless Architectures
- Section 2: Introducing Microservices
- Section 3: Building Microservice Applications with AWS Container Services
- Section 4: Introducing Serverless Architectures
- Section 5: Building Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda
- Section 6: Extending Serverless Architectures with Amazon API Gateway
- Section 7: Orchestrating Microservices with AWS Step Functions
- Module 13 Wrap-up
- Module 14 - Planning for Disaster
- Section 1: Planning for Disaster
- Section 2: Disaster Planning Strategies
- Section 3: Disaster Recovery Patterns
- Module 14 Wrap-up
- Module 15 - Bridging to Certification
- Section 1: Bridging to Certification
- Section 2: Additional Resources
- Module 15 Wrap-up
- AWS Ambassador 安排的學習計畫
- 官方網站: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
- 官方資料: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 考試指南
- 官方資料: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 範例問題
- 官方資料: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 官方練習題集
- 註: 需先註冊 AWS Skill Builder 的帳號 (可使用一般登入 AWS Console 的帳號)
- 比較 SAA-C02 & SAA-C03 考試指南
- 註: 從 2022/08 月以後,AWS-SAA 官方公佈的最新考照版本為 SAA-C03
- 註: 需注意由官方考試指南所公佈的考試範圍以外的 AWS 服務和功能有哪些? (p15/17)
- 我是如何在一年內通過 AWS 五大核心認證
- Medium: 【考試篇】三個月考過 AWS Solution Architect Associate (SAA-C02)—考試重點與心得、線上考試注意事項
- Medium: AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Associate (SAA)介紹以及準備心得
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) 考試重點與心得
- 三個月考過 AWS Solution Architect Associate (SAA-C02)—考試重點與心得、線上考試注意事項